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Oxmantown National School, Birr, Co Offaly

Parents Association

Oxmantown National School Parent Association  


A Parent Association is the structure through which the parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parent Association works with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build an effective partnership between home and school.

All parents of children in the school are automatically members of the Parent Association! These parents can then elect a committee to work on their behalf from one year to the next. Oxmantown N.S Parent Association has traditionally been made up of around 7 - 10 Parent's who form a committee at the beginning of each school year. Other parent's then join in and lend a hand when asked to throughout the year. We strongly encourage new Parents to become Committee members of the Parent Association for at least one year of the time that their child/children are in the school.


The Parents Association Committee at Oxmantown works closely with the Principal and Teachers to achieve the following: 

  • Form a strong link between home & school.
  • Host fundraising events throughout the school year.
  • Put on specific 'social' activities throughout the year for the children and parents. 
  • Contribute funds to the school towards the purchase of equipment, supplies, special workshops, trips and so on. 


Without the contribution of the Parent Association many of the special activities & projects arranged in school for the children may not be able to go ahead. The Parent Association also subsidises some school activities which helps to keep any contribution costs from Parents to a minimum.